dimarts, 14 de juny del 2016

Bye Bye ESO

I did the ESO in 5 years, I repeated the last course and I won't miss it.
Only save because I met great people like the " Panchi " Mar, Virginie , Zack , Xexu ... and a lot of more people .

dimarts, 7 de juny del 2016

The diferences

Question 1. SETTING:Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century? In the book, Verona is a city in northern Italy and it was set in 16th century. In the film Verona Beach is a place of USA and it was set in 20th century. Question 2.. IMAGERY: metaphors & images : WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...) DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean? water means peace, tranquility, and nothing matter. Fire means, aggresivity, violence, brutal fights. Day means peace, happiness. Romeo and Juliet have fun in him bed. After leave Verona. Rain means tragedious because when romeo kill rtybalt start the storm. The moon means hope, because in parts of the movie, Juliet asks the moon to bring him what hasn't brought him the day Question 3.. LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator? Everybody talks with vers, but romeo, juliet and Friar Laurence are the main characters and emphasize the vers. the narrator, is the new and speak in prose.. Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes the characters wear? Juliet is a angel because she is a really angel Romeo is a knight, because he is the Julieta's knight. Paris is a astronaut because he is in his world and always mooning. Tybalt is a devil and Mercutio is the party's soul. Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. swords for gun. Horses for cars. Dagger for gun. masks party for dress party Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version The form to dress. In the film version the caracther have tatoos for example tybalt. The Virgin is important in the film because appear in the Capulet's House, in the body of tybalt and another places. In the film Prince is a policeman and the Capulets and Montagues are Mafiosos.  

dissabte, 4 de juny del 2016



In my opinion, Titanic is a great film, for the plot, the effects and its love story. Love appart, this movie explains a disaster too.

The movie speaks about a boy, who wins a pass to a biggest ship ever at the begining of the century. In this ship called Titanic He met a rich girl and they fell in love at the first sight. Lovers lived the journey with passion and deceit, since she was promised. In the end, the ship is sinking because an iceberg collides with the boat smashing the shell of it.

I like the film in general. I like her plot, her characters, her sittings...

I don't like anything of Titanic.

I recomended this fils. and i put  ****a masterpiece


I am wanted to do tatoo in which she puts the following thing, “the time is life, the time is death” but in Latin.
Of life I want that branches and leaves with alive colors leave some and, on the contrary, of death I want that they leave some raizes with dull colors and as if the word death was ash-gray and the wind would try it to take.
This tatoo has a big sentimental meaning because it will be like the mausoleum of all these dear persons like which they have had to go away for a caprice of the nature, which would like to be surrounded with good persons and would take them.

Easter holidays 100 words

In my easter holidays I do a lot of things.One of them was going to visit my aunt, my cousins and my Celra's friends. In this two days I celebrated my Friend's birthday and went to a party.

I was going to visit my big sister too and my friend Yvette, a friend not seen since three years ago.
We walk in Girona for hours too. And eat an icecream.

dimarts, 10 de maig del 2016

circus photography

This year, I went to the Elefant d'or. Elefant d'or is an internacional festival of a circus.
I like very much taking photos and when I went to the circus I took a lot of them.
The first day I went to the right of the stage but the second day I went to a "palco".
for example:
I took photos of the representations like:

But my favourite are:

dimecres, 20 d’abril del 2016



Hold me close and hold me fast/ Abrazame fuerte, abrazame rapido,
the magic spell you cast/ la magia que tu desprendes,
this is la vie en rose/ es la vida en rosa.
when you kiss me heaven sighs/ Cuando me besas el cielo suspira
and tho i close my eyes/ y aún que cierre los ojos,
i see la vie en rose./ veo la vida en rosa.
when you press me to your heart/ Cuando me presionas en tu corazón
i'm in a world apart/ estoy en un mundo aparte.
a world where roses bloom/ Un mundo donde las rosas florecen.
and when you speak, angels sing from above/ Y cuando tu hablas, los angeles cantan desde arriba.
everyday words seem to turn into love songs/ Todos los dias las palabras parecen convertirse en canciones de amor.
give your heart and soul to me/ Dame tu corazón y tu alma
and life will always be la vie en rose./ y la vida siempre sera, LA VIDA EN ROSA.

This song is perfect for the scene of the marriage.

This song is short but really heavy. Luis Armstrong with this song wants to tell us his love and his romanticism. This song is so emocional because it tells us a love story or a declaration of love. When I listen to this song it gives me a lot of peace and tranquility.

dimecres, 13 d’abril del 2016

#Shakesperare (write more)

#1595 this year is the year who shakespeare wrote love's labour's Lost, love's labour's won, Richard II, Romeo an Juliet and a midsummer nigth's dream.
#shakespeare400 Shakespeare die a 400 years ago.
#stradford-upon-avon is a site who shakespeare born.
#annehathaway is the wife of Shakespeare.
#theglobe was a big theatre and Elizabethan playhouse. Today is a complex housing.
He lost his sisters Joan, Margaret ( just babies) and Anne (aged 7) to the deadly plague
He also lost his brother Edmund (aged 27)
#queenelizabeth  Elizabeth are the sponsor of William. Shakespeare are the lover of the queen Elizabeth.
#plays are the all works of Shakespere.(only historis, not a songs or poems.)
#thearmada Armada invincible defeat.

"What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals! ". - (Act II, Scene II).
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". - (Act II, Scene II).
"The miserable have no other medicine but only hope". - (Act III, Scene I).

"Quin tros de treball és l'home! El noble en la raó! Com infinit a la facultat! En forma i moviment de com és exprés i admirable! En acció com un àngel! En què semblant a un déu! La bellesa del món, el parangó dels animals! ". - (Acte II, escena II).
"Què hi ha en un nom? Això que anomenem una rosa amb qualsevol altre nom faria olor igual de dolç". - (Acte II, escena II).
"Els miserables no tenen altre medicament, sinó única esperança". - (Acte III, escena I).

dimecres, 16 de març del 2016

World Press Photo

Así en el cielo como en la selva

Like this in the sky as in the jungle.
N.º Title
1. «Jilgueros»
2. «Nuestra Nación»
3. «A la sombra de la sierra»
4. «Llueve en semana santa»
5. «Dientes de León»
6. «Parece Mentira»
7. «Donde Duerme el Chamán»
8. «Borracha y Callejera»
9. «Suya Mi Guerra»
10. «Elegiré»
11. «Solo Quiero de Ti»
This is my favourite CD of music.

La Raíz
General data
Origin Flag of Spain Gandia, Spain
status Active
Artistic information
Years active 2002 - Present
Label (s) Maldito Digital
Propaganda Pel Fet! 1
July Maloa
Josep Panxo
Adri Faus

My favourite song of this CD is "Llueve en semana santa"
His letter is:
Yo pensaba, que mamá era una virgen preñada, que si me concentraba, andar por el agua sería una cosa de niños. Pero nada, yo mordí la manzana, la vergüenza mordió al pudor, no levanté tu sotana para darte amor ni recé tu oración. 

Tenéis buena intención, queréis salvar mi alma, sabemos que queréis dinero así que calma. Tenéis buena intención, queréis que siga el juego, siglo tras siglo, vendiéndonos el cielo. 

Otra vez, otra vez, llueve en semana santa y no, no nos venderán, esos castillos en el aire, no nos venderán que bebamos su sangre, no no no no ya no quedan santos, ni dios, ni dios, ni dios que os aguante.

Con el tiempo, advertí que el diablo está dentro, de cardenales obispos y reyes, que quieren que cumplan las leyes que asustan al pueblo. Yo soñaba, que el demonio dormía a mi lado, y el insomnio me llevo al pecado, y a comerme y beberme la vida porque es un regalo.

Tenéis buena intención, queréis salvar mi alma, sabemos que queréis dinero así que calma. Tenéis buena intención, queréis que siga el juego, siglo tras siglo, vendiéndonos el cielo

Otra vez, otra vez, llueve en semana santa y no, no nos venderán, esos castillos en el aire, no nos venderán que bebamos su sangre, no no no no ya no quedan santos, ni dios, ni dios...

no nos venderán, esos castillos en el aire, no nos venderán que bebamos su sangre, no no no no ya no quedan santos, ni dios, ni dios, ni dios que os aguante.


My new years resolution list are very simple and normal. Today, I want to explain you my the first three things of my list.

My first thing of mylist are: Get in shape.
I want get in shape for myself. I want to say, I don't want get in shape for the other people, only for me.
I go to walk two days a week.
I go to training of shot put, athletics.
I want pass the ESO too.

dimecres, 3 de febrer del 2016


This carnival will my first carnival party.
I go to carnival of Roses, Llançà and castelló and I will bring a costume of zebra.

I go to the caarnival with my cousin Mariona, and two friends, Laura and Marta.
This friday i go to Figueres at 16:30-17:00 to leave my clothes in Mariona's home and we went to visit Marta when she go out of the institute to go to snack.
I suppose that after going to see the Marta will go to see to Laura and we would put us the costumes. Next, we will go to look for to the Marta when she go out of the institute and will go to take the bus. The bus go to Roses and it begins the party.

Once we get to Figueres, we will sleep so that we'll recover ourselves and be ready to party again on Saturday night. Our plan is to go to the Carnival in Llançà.

Sunday will a day to sleep.